Anti-smoking 'Wonder Pill' Launched In UK
An anti-smoking 'wonder-pill' that claims to be the most effective treatment yet was launched on Tuesday. Nearly half of the patients who took Champix gave up in just three months, making it twice as successful as other methods.
The drug - costing £2 a day - works in a unique way on the pleasure centre of the brain to cut the satisfaction smokers get from cigarettes. This means those people taking the drug have a lapse and smoke a cigarette, they'll find it less enjoyable and are more likely to carry on trying to quit.
The pill also provides relief from cravings and withdrawal symptoms and doubles the odds of quitting compared with other oral medications available.
After three months of treatment, 44% of patients using Champix had given up compared with 30% taking Zyban, the current gold standard anti-smoking drug. Around one in five smokers who start using Champix will still be shunning cigarettes a year later.
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